17 Mar 2011

Interwiews from Sweden

1: It is now the last few years I have become more environmentally conscious, I didn’t care before. Then you never thought that the cars spew fumes and polluted. It is thanks to the media that I’ve have become more alert; otherwise I probably wouldn’t have done anything about it.

2: We’ve started with waste sorting, we also use our car less, I usually try to take the bus or ride my bike to work etc.

3: If people become more aware than they are right now, then maybe its possible to save the world. The fact is that all countries must work together to make a change.

4: Yes, there is much about the environment which makes it easier to be affected.

5: As the previous question, every country in the world has to cooperate. Otherwise we can’t make a bigger change. 
Interview with elder person about environmental awareness:

1. How has the environmental awareness been changed during your life time?
Answer: It has changed very much. People think about the environment more nowadays than they did before. One example of that is waste sorting that didn't exist before.

2. What has changed for you personally and in the society?
Answer: House paintings has become water-soluble, which is better for the environment and also more healthy for the person who paints. Waste sorting affects how I throw your garbage and I buy low energy lamps now, which I didn't do before.

3. How do you look at the future?
Answer: I think that more and more cars that doesn't release so much gas are going to be produced. I also think that it's going to be harder demands on emissions from the industries since they stands for about 80% of all the emissions.

4. Are you being affected of the information from the media?
Answer: Sort of, it increase the awareness.

5. What suggestions do you have on a changed world?
Answer: As I said, I think it should be harder demands on emissions from the industries. I also think that each individual has to take their own responsibility. For example you don't have to buy five pairs of shoes in one year or take a half hour shower in hot water every day.
Interview: Think clean – go green
1.       The environmental awareness has increased during the years, by for example waste sorting. The exhausts from cars are not as bad for the environment as before. The air feels much more cleaner. Products has also got eco-labels.
2.       Now I’m sorting wastes. I have become more aware about that the resources of the earth are confined.
3.       I hope that we trough technic can invent cars and industries that’s better for the environment. I also hope that we can learn how to use energy in a better way.
4.       Yes, there are many debates and news on TV and in papers.
5.       I think the solar energy should be developed.

1.       “People are definitely more aware of the environment today than they were before, they are also aware that they should be more careful about wasting resources now. I have noticed that the seasons have changed and become more extreme for every year. I also do what I can with recycling and not wasting electricity. “
2.       “The society have much more say in what to do to help the environment and I take as much of the advice as possible to heart. I am more aware now and it makes me cautious whenever I throw things away.”
3.       “The society is trying to better the environment and does all it can to help it, but as it is; I don’t see a very bright future. The consequences of global heating are visible even today and we are still fabricating things and comfort is forcing people to continue this bad trend. People won’t really start caring about the environment until it’s too late.”
4.       “I do get affected by the media since that’s where I get my information from. I think it’s good that they inform people as much as possible and I also think it’s important to listen to their warnings.”
5.       “Stop thinking and take action. We have to understand that there is a problem here and that we have to take care of it, but there is more talking than action.”
Interview with my parents!

  1. People have been thinking more about the enviroment than before. Today people do more recycling. When my parents were at my age recycling didn´t excist at the time.

2. The have been thinking more about the enviroment. To keep it clean and why they are                 recycling at all. That is a good thing to keep the enviroment and the society clean from dirt.
Everywhere you can hear about the enviromental problems and how to get more environmentally  friendly and to get information too.

3.They think that people are getting more and more information about the enviroment that it hopefully would lead to a better enviroment in the future. They think it would last as it is today.

4. Not so much. It depends on how much you can save.

5. Yes, to get rid of the nuclears and work on something that would be better for the enviroment, and not so dangerous for the people.

// Madde SPTS3A!
Interview with Jan Öhlin.
The environmental awareness has increased rapidly since Jan was younger and he would say that there was none back in the sixties. When they bought glass bottles of soft drinks, they would buy them in boxes and when they finished the drink, they simply put the bottle back into the box and when all were empty, they gave the box back to the store which took care of the rest. There was no recycling so all the garbage was thrown into a big container that they would have on their street. There was also no car wash so all the cars were being washed on the driveway so the oil and dirt would wash off and penetrate into the soil.
Nowadays, there is recycling but we also buy more things than when he was young. He thinks that it is a lot more littering now.
He is affected by media by commercials and mainly by the ones where they tell you to deposit recyclable bottles.
In the future, he thinks there will be better environmental friendly cars or maybe no cars at all. His suggestions to help the environment would be better public transport.

Astrid Gullström Öhlin, SPTS3A